Course curriculum

  • 1
    Introduction - START HERE
    • Introduction
  • 2
    MLS Boards
    • This is a video-taped live class. It occasionally references local boards, but the information is still relevant to other areas.
  • 3
    Online Students
    • This class had virtual students that attended through zoom. Sometimes the speaker might ask questions of "Online" students; those questions are for those who were at original taping, not the students who are in this actual online class. :-)
  • 4
    • Handout -- A copy of the slides in the course
  • 5
    Class Videos
    • Not Your Typical Title Transaction Session 1
    • Not Your Typical Title Transaction Session 2
    • Not Your Typical Title Transaction Session 3
    • Not Your Typical Title Transaction Session 4
    • Not Your Typical Title Transaction Session 5
    • Not Your Typical Title Transaction Session 6
    • Not Your Typical Title Transaction Session 7
    • Not Your Typical Title Transaction Session 8
    • Not Your Typical Title Transaction Session 9
    • Not Your Typical Title Transaction Session 10
    • Not Your Typical Title Transaction Session 11
  • 6
    • Quiz